Donewell Motor Insurance Service
Address: F333/1 Carl Quist Street, Kuku Hill, Osu RE Accra, P.O. Box GP2136, Accra Ghana, West Africa
Location: Greater Accra, Accra Central
Member Since: 3 years ago
Business Hours: Mon - Fri: 9AM - 5PM
Welcome to Donewell Insurance Company limited. We are devoted to combining skills and professionalism in management, underwriting, marketing and the introduction of innovative policies in the provision of excellent insurance service. The company was incorporated in Ghana on 3rd November 1988 and was registered as an Insurer by the National Insurance Commission on 26th February 1993. DONEWELL INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED is a private Limited Liability Company, owned by the Methodist church, Institutional Investors, Professional Trade Associations and other individuals. The company was incorporated in Ghana on 3rd November 1988 and was registered as an Insurer by the National Insurance Commission on 26th February 1993 in accordance with PNDC Law 227 and commenced business on 1st March 1993.
Motor Comprehensive Policy
Our Motor vehicle insurance provides three types of cover for vehicle owners and/or motorists. The covers are:
Comprehensive Cover
This policy gives the widest cover obtainable and indemnifies the insured against
- Loss of or damage to the insured vehicle
- Legal liability for the death of or bodily injury to third parties
- Damage to third parties properties
Third Party Fire and Theft Cover
The company will indemnify the insured with respect to liability for
- Death of or bodily injury to third parties
- Damage to third party property
- Theft or fire damage to insureds vehicle. [Call for clarification]
Third Party Liability Cover
The company will cover the Insureds liability to third parties for
- Death of or bodily injuries
- Damage to their properties
Our motor policy conforms to the minimum Third Party Property Damage limit with an option to increase the limit.
Motor Comprehensive Policy
Part One
We Will Pay: [For Comprehensive Policy]For loss of or damage to your vehicle and/accessories caused by or arising out of:
- Accidental Collision or Overturning or Collision due to mechanical
- Breakdown or wear and tear.
- Fire, External explosion, Self-ignition or Lightening.
- Theft, Burglary, Housebreaking
- Malicious Act.
- Flood, Storm, Hurricane, Volcanic Eruption,
- Earthquake, or other Convulsion of Nature, Strike,
- Riot, Civil, Commotion.
Part Two
Additional Benefits- Emergency Medical Expenses/Treatment
- Compensation for Bodily Injury/Death
- Personal Accident Benefit to Policyholder/Driver
- Tyre Replacement
- Windscreen Damage
- Towing and Storage
- Trailer
- Ecowas Brown Card (Use within Ecowas Sub Region)
We Will Pay:
Liability to Third Parties
In respect of legal liability to third parties resulting from an accident caused by your vehicle, we will indemnify
you or any other person with your consent for;
- Death of or bodily injury to any person.
- Damage to property belonging to someone other than you or a member of your household.
Additional Benefits
- Emergency Medical Expenses/Treatment
- Compensation for Bodily Injury/Death
- Personal Accident Benefit to Policy holder/Driver
- Trailers
- Ecowas Brown Card
The minimum third party property damage limit is Gh¢ 2000.00. However, the limit could be increased with the payment
of additional premium.

Contact the company
Send an email enquiry for insurance